Career, Money, Motherhood: The Multifaceted Triumph of Demeter Archetypes
Home is where the heart and the real estate investments are – Demeter moms, the goddesses of cozy abundance!
Every woman has special sources of inner strength - these are the ARCHETYPES OF FEMALE SELF ENERGY. We do not always accept them, which wastes the gifts that have been embedded in us for centuries and millennia. Recognizing in yourself and learning to use the ARCHETYPES OF FEMALE SELF ENERGY is an important goal of self-development . In this case, many things in life will not only fall into place, but will begin to bring joy and pleasure.
One of the most powerful, bestowing life and love on others, is the archetype of the ancient Greek goddess of fertility DEMETRA. These women tend to give more than they take! However, this is where the famous saying comes into play: “The more you give, the more you receive”! They always get it back a hundredfold. They know how to build profitable relationships with their friends, who are always grateful to them for their care and help.
This happens completely naturally; they simply tirelessly care about maintaining partnerships and friendships not only in business, but also in the social environment around them. They create a special world of relationships, which today can be called a social network, where regular meetings, holidays, business and friendly dinners and party’s reign. Their home is always a place where the atmosphere of love and cordiality is interconnected with business interaction and financial prospects.
Demeter's financial mantra: 'We're not so rich as to buy cheap things.' Their divine touch turns investments into joyous moments for the family
As a rule, their life is abundant, and their home is a full cup. They know how to earn money and like to manage finances at their own discretion. The maternal component of DEMETER is not a hindrance in this case, but rather a strong motivator. These women always find an opportunity to purchase real estate without long, grueling savings. Moreover, they strive to ensure that their children are provided with a good apartment or house. They often buy an apartment for their children in advance and rent it out to receive passive income while they grow and study. After all, they always buy only the best for their children .
How do they do this? These women are not too concerned with housework, rather with work, and sometimes several, but always loved ones. For example, they may combine a photographer, an interior designer, a make-up artist, and a costume and personal styling specialist. If they have chosen free professions, then they will always have the means to show love and care and will have time for their wonderful children, no matter how old these “babies” are . Their children, like the mother herself, will always be sufficiently provided with good housing, high-quality clothing, modern gadgets, comfortable chairs and tables for working and playing on the computer, etc.
As you already understand, DEMETRA does not save, but she does not squander in vain, as they say: “We are not so rich as to buy cheap things.” This is about them - these divine continuers of the human race. This is what a financial view of the life of those whose ARCHETYPE “MOTHER” looks like in the image of the goddess DEMETER. If you feel that this is your calling, don’t hold yourself back, open up to the fullest and it will bring you HAPPY, unforgettable moments in life. Move from potential to prospect. Success awaits you there.
Active, competitive, financially independent women - these 21st century mothers know how to manage money for the benefit of their children. This brings them real joy and pleasure, although it does not always, please their husbands, so often marriage is not a priority for them .