Creativity in Love: Navigating Life as an Aphrodite Archetype
Aphrodite's motto: Love yourself first, because if you don't, who will?
APHRODITE belongs to the second level of archetypes of humanism, which is headed by women who bring beauty, creativity into the world and embody everything beautiful that stands behind the concept of LOVE. APHRODITE – Goddess of LOVE, born from the Thunder God Zeus and a sea nymph. This beautiful image embodies female individualism and uniqueness. Don't confuse it with selfishness. Giving others your beauty and LOVE does not mean demanding LOVE from others for yourself. This approach to life can be formulated in a bright phrase: “LOVE for yourself is the beginning of happiness!” From a psychological point of view, the benefits of this worldview come in the form of a question: “If you don’t believe in yourself, don’t respect yourself, don’t love yourself, then why should others do this for you?”
This archetype has the magic of FEMININE CREATIVITY ENERGY and the ability to enjoy life, beauty, and passion. This kind of woman can be called sensual, sexy, romantic, attractive and prone to creativity. Creativity is their normal state, talent is an innate advantage. They draw beautifully, sing, play various instruments, write brilliantly and compose poetry. We can say that they create the surrounding space, adapting it to themselves, looking at the world through the prism of LOVE and inspiring creativity in others.
In addition, APHRODITE is the only Goddess who is reborn every morning again and again, emerging from the sea foam of the tide. Always young and beautiful, calmly accepting the admiring glances of men and women, arousing the passion and delight of those around her.
However, representatives of this archetype are not interested in handsome men, since the energy of this Goddess is based on receiving pleasure from her body and on bringing her creative ideas to life. At the same time, representatives of this archetype gravitate towards “complex” men with difficult characters and poor health. The goddess herself chose as her husband the lame god of handicraft Hephaestus, who had skill, talent and hard work. Today it can be a true professional or the owner of his own business.
Representatives of this archetype know how to LOVE not only themselves, but also their chosen ones. At the same time, they LOVE passionately, strongly and all-consumingly, like no one else can, because they are natural experts in LOVE. Maybe this is their main problem, because they expect the same power of love from the world around them, which, as a rule, they do not encounter in life. When representatives of this archetype encounter unrequited love, the power of their LOVE is reborn into a CREATIVE impulse. They express their feelings to the world through poetry, music, etc. Thus, it is their own feelings that are the source of inspiration for them.
Remember, like Aphrodite rising from the sea foam, water procedures revive your creative energy!
If you feel like APHRODITE, then remember that tactile sensations are very important to such women: delicate fabrics, relaxing baths, massages, hugs, sensuality in relationships. Do not hesitate to visit spa salons, because they are created just for you.
If you are in the creative phase of your personal growth, but your magnetism has lost its former strength, then remember what gives you energy - relaxation, massage, baths with special herbs, good skin and hair care products. Remember that APHRODITE came out of the sea foam, so water procedures, swimming and SPA charge you with FEMALE ENERGY OF CREATIVITY. And here you are again shining in all your glory, full of strength and positive emotions! In this state you can LOVE the entire WORLD around you.