Feminine Energy SOS: Your Personal Guide to Female Self Energy
"In the world of energy, be a light bulb, not a flickering candle. Shine on, darling, and let the world adjust to your brilliance!"
WE RECOGNIZE A WOMAN FULL OF ENERGY IMMEDIATELY - she beams and sparkles, she is charming and attractive, she is desirable, pretty and successful - she succeeds in all her plans, and she enjoys life, attracting what she wants.
If this is about you, then share this joy with us, and maybe the secrets of how you manage to do this. Become a co-author of the online journey "FEMALE SELF ENERGY".
If there has been an energy failure in your life and everything is different for you, then we invite you to follow the path of self-knowledge in order to understand why your strength “leaks” and how to replenish your lost FEMALE ENERGY OF YOUSELF. Describe your problem and get expert advice. Become a co-author of YOUR online journey "FEMALE SELF ENERGY". May this work be a source of joy for you and may you love it - bringing life to everything you touch.
Life is too short to lose your sparkle. If you find yourself tired, maybe it's not the weather; it's just your inner goddess taking a nap. Wake her up and tell her the party's not over
When do we lose FEMININE ENERGY?
As a rule, we get tired when we lose the guiding thread of OURSELVES and begin to wander around the palaces of our “I”, doing something other than our own business, not with friends, in an unloved place. At such moments, the quality of our decisions decreases, and the results do not bring joy. This often happens during periods of change, when many things lose their meaning and become different, not what we are used to. We push away these thoughts and attribute our weakness to the weather, accumulated tasks, misunderstandings at home or among work colleagues. We start looking for something or someone who has “drunk” our energy and deprived us of our strength and desires.
There are different sources of strength, and in addition, the level of female energy is different. Everything depends on the self-acceptance of our SELF - that inner special and unique force that stands behind the image of a dream born in childhood and brought to life or forgotten, lost in the bustle of everyday life.
Archetypes are like your wardrobe—everyone's got a favorite. Be your own fashion icon; mix and match those goddess vibes until you find your signature style. Goddess couture is the new black
What are the Archetypes of FEMALE SELF ENERGY?
In scientific terms, Archetypes are global behavioral trends formed over thousands of years in the history of human development and enshrined in myths and legends, fairy tales and tales.
There are several groups of FEMININE SELF ENERGY archetypes, each of which embodies a group of highly significant values that correspond to:
· Images of ancient goddesses, for example, Aphrodite or Athena
· Images of heroines from Magic tales, for example, Queen or Fairy
· Images of characters from Household tales, for example, the Craftswoman or the Mistress
· Images of fabulous female animals, for example, the Bird of Happiness or Catwoman
Inside every woman, of course, there are archetypes from different groups of FEMALE SELF ENERGY, but one always prevails.
We don't choose them. They are embedded within each of us. It’s just that SELF-SUFFICIENT women rely on them and actively use them for their intended purpose in the right place and at the right time, while others try to put on other people’s masks and play other people’s games. It tires, irritates, kills, drains the energy and joy of life.
How to understand what is wrong with the FEMALE SELF ENERGY?
It is important to remember that feminine energy and self-respect are closely related, so it is difficult not to notice the decline of feminine energy. If a woman stops liking herself or has lost interest in life, she may soon begin to have problems at work and with finances, and her health and appearance will also noticeably deteriorate.
Problems with your FEMININE SELF ENERGY can be solved by taking consistent steps with us:
1. understand yourself by finding the strengths of your archetype;
2. accept yourself and develop the best features of your SELF;
3. find your style to highlight your best features;
4. choose your lifestyle and fill it with meaning;
5. develop healthy habits that will help you gain youth and health in order to live a full life;
6. understand others by finding their strengths and weaknesses in order to master the win-win concept and gain the joy of mutual understanding;
7. learn to work with different people and create your own team to implement interesting ideas and develop your business.
In the grand play of life, you're the lead actress, not an extra. Don't just recite the lines; ad-lib, improvise, steal the show. Your stage, your rules.
What should you do?
To begin, turn on some quiet, calm music (choose a selection), sit back, relax, close your eyes and remember your favorite fairy tale that was read or told to you as a child. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE HEROINE? Walk her path with her. THIS IS YOUR SELF.
Where you feel real joy and desire to be THAT way. At what point in your life scenario are you now? How long is your path to triumph?
Having determined your archetype of FEMALE SELF ENERGY, it will be easier for YOU to understand yourself and improve your weak points. Read about each one. Find your SELF.
· Images of ancient goddesses: Mother, Daughter, Sister, Wife, Lover, Friend
· Images of heroines of fairy tales: Queen, Princess, Sorceress, Sorceress (fortune teller), Warrior, Mermaid, etc.
· Images of heroines of everyday fairy tales: Mistress, Craftswoman, Huntress, Shepherdess, etc.
· Images of fairy-tale female animals: fox, frog, cat, bird, mare, dragon, etc.
So! Write: WHO ARE YOU? How and where did you lose yourself? - these are the weak points. Let's pump up the FEMALE SELF ENERGY together! Become a co-author of YOUR online journey "FEMALE SELF ENERGY".