Love and Care: Demeter Archetype's Journey to Reclaim Energy

Demeters are the real-life superheroes of our world, juggling careers, families, and the occasional emotional crisis.

The first level of LOVE archetypes is headed by those women who draw their SELF ENERGY by caring for others.

We are talking about the Fertility Goddess DEMETER, whose archetype is filled with the energy of “giving.” Her key social role is mother, and the value of LOVE is expressed through CUSTODY - patronage and care.

The choice of a partner is often associated with CUSTODY for them, because they take on more than enough responsibility for the relationship. It is no coincidence that a couple in love for women of this archetype are people who know how to demonstrate their affection, clearly express and evoke feelings, but are weak by nature, dependent and dissatisfied with themselves. Representatives of this archetype, in response to this emotional request, surround those they love with care, forgiving their loved ones too much. Sometimes extremely, which only aggravates the bad habits of their chosen ones. Gamblers and alcoholics, drug addicts and ladies' men - in these cases destroy not only their lives, but also the life of the woman who loves them. At the same time, it is very difficult for representatives of this first-level Archetype to part with those they love, and it is difficult to refuse those who are attached to them.

It is important that women of this type successfully fulfill their need for CUSTODY and education not only in the family, but also in the professional field. These are social workers, educators, health workers, psychologists, lawyers, HR specialists, as well as tutors, coaches and mentors. They are reliable, attentive, caring and practical. It’s warm and cozy to be around them, they are huggers, both physically and emotionally. They give their LOVE and care to everyone they take under their wing. They are always in touch, ready to overwork and strive to give themselves to their family, children and other “those in need” without reserve.

Unfortunately, when the process of energy donation goes on continuously, FEMALE ENERGY OF LOVE is depleted, which often leads to professional and emotional burnout.

What is this connected with?

First of all, with the lack of GRATITUDE on the part of those under their care. Why do representatives of this archetype need GRATITUDE so much? The fact is that this simple and natural action reflects their CUSTODY ENERGY back and only in this case does recharging occur.

In addition, it should be remembered that DEMETER is, first of all, a mother, and not a wife, daughter or sister. She happily pays attention to children, employees or those whom she has “tamed.” However, caring for, for example, elderly parents is not her path. There is no whirlpool of LOVE happening here. CUSTODY does not bring energy, but takes it away.

What to do if energy exchange does not occur?

Place your elderly parents in the comfortable conditions of a good, and perhaps the best in the world, nursing home. You can and should change your job if it “sucks energy”, depletes you, and this also happens. To recover, representatives of this Archetype of the first level need to go to the sea and take care of themselves. Here it is worth remembering that in one of the three archetypes of LOVE, together with DEMETER, there is APHRODITE and sometimes it is worth being her, moving to the second archetypal level of LOVE, taking a break from all other worries.



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